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Plasticising Technology

The long-standing practical and scientific experience in the area of plasticising technology is the key of our business.

We solve every plasticising-task by optimising the complete system in an application-oriented manner. Besides the screw we
deliver also entire plasticising units.

Benefit of the advantages of a custom-made screw design to realise:

  • Maximum flow rates
  • High cost savings
  • Flexible production facilities
  • New product ideas and materials
  • Noticeable energy savings
  • Optimal product quality
  • Excellent mixing performance
  • Broad variety of plastic materials
  • Wear reduction

To put your specifications perfectly into practice we take several screw concepts and feed systems into account:

  • Barrier screws with dynamic homogenisation
  • Wave screws with integral mixing capability for flexible high performance applications
  • General-purpose screws for extremely flexible processes and gentle material treatment
  • Degassing screws for high quality products with low energy consumption
  • Special-purpose screws for individual tasks and demands
  • Feed system with smooth, semi-grooved or grooved design




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